The ConTact C.A.R.E Foundation Course is designed for hands on people who wish to learn a way of working with the body to support both themselves and others. Complementary work for all health professionals interested in a new approach to working with impact injuries and trauma.

The dates for this calendar year 2025:

26th/27th April Melbourne

24th/25th May Auckland

Animal course (Needs to have completed foundation) June 14th

19th/20th July Auckland

20th/21st Sept Auckland

22nd/23rd Nov Auckland

Email us at to book, places are limited.

ConTact C.A.R.E Foundation course:

  • Learn ConTact C.A.R.E Flinchlock® Release, a Martial Arts-based discipline, created in NGATEA New Zealand, by Dale W. Speedy (6th dan Blackbelt Kiaido-Ryu) and Kym Summers.  

  • Gain the foundational knowledge to understand what ConTact C.A.R.E® is, how it works, and learn skills to find and release Flinchlocked bones yourself.

  • Gain a certificate upon completion which goes towards further training in ConTact C.A.R.E.

  • Learn the treatment protocol of ConTact C.A.R.E Flinchlock® Release, to provide clarity for both practitioner and client by removing the body tensions that are overlying the actual injuries, making it easier to identify and work with them.

  • Engage in the practical study of what we call SKELETAL SENSORY SHOCK. 

  • Learn specific exercises to grow your confidence in the use of the technique and a variety of easy to use strategies for the use of ConTact C.A.R.E

  • Course manual included as hard copy


*Attend a minimum of 64 hrs. of Foundation courses. (It is advised that human training includes some hours of animal training).

*See 10 clients with follow-up sessions recorded on client sheets (20 treatments) between each Foundation course of which must be sighted by the Instructor.

You will not be able to attend further Foundation courses until this has been fulfilled. I.e. a minimum of 40 clients with follow-ups is required to advance to the Practitioner Training Programme (80 treatments).

*Pass a Foundation assessment (with any Foundation Instructor) This assesses the student's understanding of the fundamentals of the formula as well as the 'quality' of the application of the formula on the Instructor. Client sheets can be reviewed at this time.

If then, this is not to a satisfactory level, you will be required to do further Foundation hours and client sheets at the discretion of your assessor.

When competent at Foundation level, you can begin the Practitioner Training Programme of which there will be one intake per year.

Bookings are essential for all courses, please contact us to make a booking.

Law dictates that all health professionals require 120 hrs. of Anatomy & Physiology training – ONLY this component can be done by correspondence as the student trains with ConTact C.A.R.E Flinchlock® Release.


Get in touch if you would like us to run a course for different groups in the community. We run non certificate courses at the moment for dancers, circus artists, actors, pilates instructors and any other business or institutions looking to up-skill their people so they may help each other.